Custom Horse Brass Intaglio Gallery and Price List

Pictured above: Pair of Horse Brass Intaglio
on Moss Canvas, Tate Frame, 16x20

Pictured above: Spaniel Horse Brass on Buffalo Check
(available upon request)

Pictured above: Set of Horse Brass on Thibaut Grasscloth in Natural,
Tate Frame, 16x20

Pictured above: Horse Brass on Thibaut Grasscloth in Nantucket Teal,
Wimberley Frame, 20x20

Pictured above: Set of 4 Horse Brass on Canvas Blocks in
Blush, Wedgwood, Linen and Moss

Pictured above: Thibaut Grasscloth in Lyon Blue, Natural, Blush Pink, Moss Green, Nantucket Teal and Wedgwood Blue

Pictured above: L to R, Eton, Wimberley and Tate Frames